No matter how you turn it around, bedside tables are a practical device next to the bed. This is where you put your water glass, and here you put the book away from you when you need to sleep. But besides being practical, it can also easily be beautiful to look at if it suits your needs and into the rest of the style in your bedroom.


First there are the practical considerations: How much can your bedside table fill, how with the height in relation to the bed, what must it cost, you must in lifestyle stores or at a flea market, how much should your bedside table store, and do you need an extra shelf for a candle and a magazine or maybe a drawer?

Then there are the aesthetic considerations: Should your bedside table match the rest of the bedroom or stand out significantly? Is your bed frame made of wood, and should the table match this type of wood? Are you for the industrial look with edge or for the more peasant romantic with white painted wood? Can your bedroom withstand a pang color, or should you go for pastels or black and white? Materials are a chapter in themselves, and you can get bedside tables in plastic, wood and all kinds of metals. Just remember that even though it seems like a little redundant piece of furniture, you should look at it every single night and morning, so you should preferably not get tired of it!
